Full Moons 2022 + New Moons 2022 Astrology
There are 13 new moons in 2022, two of which are solar eclipses, and 12 full moons in 2022, two of which are lunar eclipses. Here’s a table of all the dates, times and degrees of the new moons and full moons in 2022.

New Moon in Aquarius 12º February 1st, 2022: THE STILL CENTER
Aquarius has an incredible meditative quality to it – a unique ability to be very still (it’s a fixed sign ruled by slow-moving Saturn) in the middle of a noisy crowd (Aquarius is an air sign) and not lose its center. We see some of the worst of Aquarius when it loses that still center and gets swept up by the crowd, morphing into just another head on the Hydra.

New Moon in Taurus 21° May 11, 2021
Taurus is a fixed sign — we inhaled during cardinal Aries and we’ll exhale during mutable Gemini, but here in the moment between the inhale and exhale, that breath goes into the center of the chest and then spreads. Slowly it lights up the body.

New Moon in Aries 22º April 11, 2021 Energy + Journaling Prompts
I’m bathing in boiling blood and playing with the clashing of needs and wants and wills in my life. I’m speaking softly to the seedling of inner balance that helps me trust that when I jump, I’ll land. I’m breathing in deep and sending the exhale into the flame of desire.