Mars Retrograde Transit Meaning & Dates
Mars retrograde is a time when things move slowly and feel messy, we take alternate or indirect routes, and sometimes this is a stressful time. Old conflicts may come up and old annoyances may resurface, though it’s often much easier to resolve old conflicts while Mars is retrograde. This is also a good time to change directions, return to past objectives, rest, recalibrate, recharge, return to past joys, and plan future moves.

Mars in the 12th house: You Will Call It Fate
Mars in the 12th house people are learning how to make the unconscious conscious and tap back into their own agency and will. They may repress or misdirect anger, display great strength in dark times and can help lead others through the darkness They are protective of the sacred, the oppressed, and their own privacy and they often feel disempowered, like their life is not theirs to run, and are intimately aware of the reality that we can’t be entirely in control of our lives. They can be very defensive and have many unconscious motivations, and must learn to open up to others without defense in order to gain important insight into themselves.

IC in the 5th house/Midheaven in the 11th house
People who have IC in the 5th house and MC in the 11th house had much “childlike” energy wrapped up in their childhood for better and for worse, and they may find success through working within a larger organization, team, or movement. They rebel against their upbringing through through their air of inclusivity, their friend groups, the causes they believe in, and their worldview at large.

Mercury in Cancer: Enjoy the Silence
Mercury in Cancer is down-to-earth. They are receptive listeners & gentle speakers who dedicate their attention to delicate details and subtleties. They are sort of collectors, whether physically, digitally, or simply emotionally. They are very aware of body language and subtle undercurrents between people and within themselves. They enjoy silence as well as genuine, authentic conversation, and they initiate conversation by leaving plenty of space for intellectual meandering.

Asteroid Persephone: Goddess of the Choiceless
Asteroid Persephone in astrology represents autonomy, choice, cycles, choice being taken from you, and reclaiming YOUR wants and will.

Asteroid Juno: The Ride or Die
Natal Juno describes what we need in a committed relationship in order to feel safe and loved; how important commitment, fidelity, and monogamy are to us; as well as what betrayal means to us, how sensitive we are to it, how concerned with it we are, and sometimes even who we feel most betrayed by.

Natal Pluto in the 4th house/Pluto conjunct IC: Breaking the Family Curse
Pluto in the 4th house may indicate family or home instability, power dynamics, or generally undesirable situations in early life, but above all else, 4th house Pluto is about “breaking generational curses” and putting an end to toxic family patterns, the kinds of harmful family patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that have been passed down for generations.

How to read your own transits: a beginners guide
This is a guide for anyone who is learning how to predict events using astrology entirely on their own OR wants to further personalize or expand on general info provided by an astrologer. Knowing how to read your own transits & determine how they’re likely to affect you is a big part of feeling connected to astrology (and many of us, feeling connected to the cycles of time).

How to Read a Solar Return Chart
A solar return chart is essentially a snapshot of the exact moment that the sun hits the place it was at in the sky at the time of a person’s birth. Interpreting the solar return chart and how it interacts with your natal chart can offer invaluable insight into prominent themes that are likely to come up during a given year of your life, from one birthday until the next birthday.

Malefics vs Benefics in Astrology: Swords, Mountains, and Nectar
Malefic planets are said to be rather harmful and uncomfortable and they bring uncomfortable lessons, and benefic planets are said to be more easeful and subjectively positive, more often bringing blessings and good vibes.

Major Aspects in Astrology (Conjunction, Square, Opposition, Trine, and Sextile)
Aspects are geometric angles that planets make to one another and they describe the ways in which different planets ‘influence’ one another and the relationship they have with each other.

Natal Saturn in the 4th house: The Bearer of All Weight
Saturn in the 4th house feels like trying to grow an apple tree in a room with no windows. What should be a warm womb often feels more like a cold prison or a heavy weight. Where there should be a mountain spring, there is a desert. Where there should be a home, there is only a house, or perhaps just a tumbleweed blowing in the wind.

Chiron in the Natal Chart: Your Chiron “Wound” Isn’t A You Problem
Chiron in astrology represents a pain that we each carry, but is it really ours to carry? Is there really something fundamentally “wrong” with each one of us or with our need and abilities? Or is it that the world fails to embrace our differences or recognize them as gifts?

Pluto square the Lunar Nodes Transit 2023: Ripe for Change
Pluto only squares the north node and south node every nine or so years, and this is a time ripe for monumental change.
This is not a sudden, eclipse-like change. This change is one that was put into motion days, weeks, months, or even years ago, and will likely continue to roll out in the months to come, like a blood-red carpet leading into the future. Whatever is changing, it has been a long time coming.

Mercury in Scorpio: The Hound of Hell (Concentrate)
In a sense, people with Mercury in Scorpio are natural guardians of the underworld, like the mythological Cerberus, the multi-headed dog that was said to guard the gates of hell, preventing the dead from leaving. While Mercury itself is about crossing boundaries and building bridges, this is a Mercury sign that instead aims to keep, block, and protect; rather than building a bridge, it guards the exit.

Mercury in Libra: Words that Close the Distance
For Mercury in Libra, words are connective tissue. Libra Mercury people understand that words were quite literally invented to connect us. Words connect our inner world with other people, so that what is mine can become yours too, and vice versa. Words were invented to help us share what we see with others and to benefit from what others see too.

The 13th Zodiac Sign: Ophiuchus the Serpent-Bearer?
This is a MYTH that stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of what astrology is.

Lilith square or conjunct North Node: Integrating the Inner Animal
People with Black Moon Lilith or asteroid Lilith square or conjunct their north node are learning to integrate their inner Lilith. Topics like rage, nonconformity, sexuality, and the primal, earthly part of the human animal are all important. Lilith is not high and mighty, nor bright and positive. She is murky and sharp and feral. She reminds us that we are not just upstanding human beings but also human animals.

Why Are Libras So Hot?
There’s a line in The Great Gatsby that says: “She laughed again, as if she said something very witty, and held my hand for a moment, looking up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had.” That’s Libra.

Your Guide to Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023
In 2023, Venus will be retrograde from July 22nd until September 3rd. And overall, in 2023, Venus will spend 125 days in Leo due to her retrograde. This is more than five times(!) longer than usual.