North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio January 18th, 2022–July 17th, 2023
On January 18th, 2022, the north and south nodes (also known as Rahu and Ketu) will enter Taurus (north node) and Scorpio (south node), at long last, highlighting individual and collective lessons in balancing in this polarity.

North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius: A Retrospective
With Rahu in Gemini and the Ketu in Sagittarius, we’ve been terrorized by waves of ever-changing, never-ending news cycles and we’re either ~doom scrolling~ and dissolving into TikTok just to escape for a moment (Gemini on a dark night) or becoming further entrenched in equally doomy conspiracy theories and political dogma (Sagittarius on a dark night).