April 2022 Full Moon in Libra — Forecast + Horoscopes
Psyche at the Throne of Venus by Edward Matthew Hale
Full Moon in Libra 2022
This lunar cycle began with the new moon in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries—the unrelenting burden of individualism—and peaks with the full moon in Libra, square Pluto.
Libra is “peace” only in the sense that Libra is justice. One cannot exist without the other. Conflict cannot be avoided – you either have it in the external world, or you bring it inside of yourself and hold it there. Libra does not become the dove of peace until it has been the scale and the gavel. All full moons are revelatory and highly charged, and this one is extra charged with a close, harsh square to Pluto–the Tower of Truth–in Capricorn. Pluto is in touch with the truth in part because it knows that the knowing the truth facilitates healing.
Pluto in Capricorn is on its 14th year of tearing out the bloody, sinuous fibers of The Big Bad System from the inside of its leaking carcass, overinflated with inequity and illusions of Normal™. Pluto in Capricorn saw the green velvet curtain and wanted to prove that, as always, the Wizard of Oz is in fact just a man – many of the systems we “rely on” are mirages and tricks of light; they don’t exist; the skeleton of our world has crumbled to dust (or never existed to begin with) and in its place is a sludgy marsh flowing through our veins with the muskrats yelling something about how a face mask will save us and if I did it you can too.
Saturn spent three-ish years in Capricorn (December 2017 through December 2020, minus a few months spent in Aquarius in mid-2020), three years during which we were working through issues of self-worth, boundaries, and devotion. These were crucial to deal with as a world, but we took the issue of boundaries too far. We watched ourselves, the world around us and the media perpetuate the idea of “boundaries” as the end-all be-all to every relationship issue. We blew out the gas light in our own homes and told ourselves that we can handle it all on our own you boss bitch independent don't need a lover don’t need a best friend don’t need a family cut off everyone (this is a spiritual awakening!) and come home from a long hard day of girlbossing and step over your chevron carpet at wine-o-clock and do your 48-step skincare routine because fuck forbid you get old but yes queen fuck trump and level up to peak good vibes only. #notmypresident #thefutureisawhitehairlesspussy
The United States has a deep problem with individualism – this is a country that believes that every single success and every single failure is a result solely of individual effort. The United States has Chiron in Aries and as a country we’re going through our latest Chiron return, a time of reckoning, of remembering–right before we forget once more–that our desire to prove how powerful the individual is may not really be the truth-on-high. The individual is powerful. But the individual is not everything. The individual doesn’t even exist without the people who literally and figuratively created them. Not a single person on earth exists alone. This is what Libra knows.
This full moon is the climax of this month’s navigation through the pains of individualism, and in honor of love and art, we pull another thread from the fabric of the velvet curtain and through that threadbare curtain, Pluto’s cold, hard truth shines bright and lonely in its power, pouring the rain of reality over the darker, fouler parts of our relational innards and the value is both:
Boundaries are good and necessary, and so is care.
Individualism is good, and so is interdependence.
Inner strength is good, and so is support from others.
What do you really need? (I’ve been asking this month after month. So much of the astrology of 2022 comes back to this theme.) What truths are you holding back just to keep up appearances? How truthful and authentic are you? Do you need to soften or just open? What wound does the cold, hard world keep ever-tender in you?
Are you the problem, or is it the system that would sooner see you starve than let you eat from its garden overflowing? Is that justice?
Not a single justice can be corrected until it is stared in the face. The Libra full moon, square Pluto, is a moment of opening eyes and asking for what is right, sifting through relationship wants and needs and realities, remembering that we only exist because others exist and others only exist because we exist, and committing, once more, to wedding ourselves to what really, really fucking matters most.
Your Horoscope for 2022’s Full Moon in Libra
Read for your rising sign first, then consider your sun and moon.
Biiig moment of recognizing relationships for their true value, conversations surrounding security and changes you’re making to the way you’re seeking and offering it.. How has the world made you who you are? How are you shaping the world? What is it that you’re seeking out there and how far away is it from what you have now? You don’t need status or to become some perfect version of who you are in order to be who you are and bond with others.
Time to take good care of yourself. You’ve going through some chaaaange and there’s more to come – now is a good time to care for and support your body through all this shifting and shaking. Your wellness is heavily impacted by relationships (and relationship turmoil) too – is everything okay there? Anything need to be adjusted in that realm? For a long, long time you’ve been looking for meaning. Watch what pops its head out of the abyss this week. There might be some really worthwhile gems in the rubble.
Revelations in the realms of love, sex and art. Coming together. Opening up old wounds surrounding sex, jealousy, relationships. Looking at goals and how your goals and the people around you can feed your art. Looking at traumas and fears and how those, too, can feed your art. Allowing yourself to be seen as you are, boils and shadows and infinite as you are, is fucking hot. If you’ve been creating or working on something over the last six months (or longer), is it complete?
Being seen has been hard these last few years, and maybe in part because it’s just easier to see others as the shadow and see yourself as the light. If harsh truths are coming out in relationships (of any kind), let them. We have to really, really see the ways that people are both dark and light at once in order to really love them, and we have to be seen in that same way too. Maybe the week of this full moon you can show your dark and light and all shades in between to the people you love, allowing yourself to find meaning in vulnerability again, meaning in the places where the efforts of the past meet the ripening fruits of today. It wasn’t all for nothing.
Speak the fuck up and get real clear on how you’ve been doing mental health-wise. There’s a lot of energy touching on the part of you that is lonely lonely lonely – Leo is ruled by the one and only sun in the sky, and with that can come a sense of being separate from others, like you can only be singular, never part of the whole. But you weren’t born to be a god. You were born to be human, right here with us. Let us nestle in with you. The truth of your humanity comes out eventually. Leo is bright and shiny… but the sun sets every day; you can be dark and quiet if you need to, you don’t always have to shine it up. The truth of the ways in which you struggle deserves to be seen and heard too.
Y’all have a tendency to take on the darkness all on your own, and these last few years have been an insight into just how difficult that makes things. Real safety has always been found in our relationships with other people and the wonderful things we create together. There’s some strong creative energy coming through for you this week – you’ve been funneling the lessons of the past into the blossom of the future, making something that glows and sustains, something that you can fall back on for the long-term.
There has been so much distress in your close relationships in recent years – independence vs interdependence, freeing yourself from the pain that earlier experiences left you with. The pendulum always swings too far to one side and then too far to the other before it finds its comfy middle ground. Hold the hand of the east and the west, the self and other, independence and co-creation. You don’t have to do it all alone and you don’t have to do it all with someone else either. What’s most important is that you understand where and why you are who you are. This full moon shines the spotlight on who you really are, what you really need from others, what you can offer, and what wonder you can create.
Part of mental wellness is letting other people into your secret cove. By nature, you wanna handle your shit on your own, and maybe you can? But is it really ideal? Do you really flourish without the support of other people? If there’s been a lot of upset in your close relationships in recent years, maybe this week can be a moment of it all coming out in words. Share what you’re feeling. Take that risk. If nothing else, this is a big, biiiig moment of insight into your mental health. Take stock of how far you’ve come and celebrate a lil.
There’s been a lack of stability in your life for so long. Simple joys have been tough to come by in recent years, too. But you don’t always have to bring the party yourself. A lot of the dreamiest dreams come true with other people. This could be an exciting moment, the realization of a dream long held, a three-of-cups-esque celebration among friends and the shiniest ideals, a toast to the many others that help you on your way. This full moon could also be more like a harsher realization that you have a long ways to go, with the surfacing of difficult truths around your relationship to money. Face the facts and start making changes.
While this full moon could manifest as the completion of a goal, it could also feel pretty stressful and volatile (maybe you’re even burning yourself out). Take care of your body and delegate where necessary. Early in life you had to do things for yourself, but not anymore. Now there are others who are totally capable and willing to help. This alone is worth celebrating. The pressure and stress doesn’t all have to turn inward, you don’t have to hold it in your body alone.
Take extra special care of your mental health right now. Let other people support you, listen to you, and remind you that there is still light in all of this darkness. (Fuck knows the last few years have been dark). There is plenty to see, there are people to join with, and by now we’re all well-acquainted with the reality that being alone, isolated and distanced from others isn’t sustainable long-term. Time for an existential conversation with another human being. Security is in your quiet conversations with people who just get it.
Big dreams and friendships have been thrashed by the waves for years. It’s been difficult to really belong. This year’s full moon in Libra is a good time to cut your losses and accept that things really do change. Who still remains, who’s still completely there for you and you for them? Those are the ones to spend time with this week – share some of the softer parts with someone you’re safe with. This is also a prime moment to sort through your finances – look at your money issues and your bigger life goals and design a plan for going ahead. If things feel muddy and unclear, can you join forces with someone else?