Neptune conjunct Jupiter 2022: The Green Light
Gaston La Touche
Neptune-Jupiter conjunction dates:
Begins on March 26th, 2022
Exact on April 12th, 2022
Concludes May 1st, 2022
Key Neptune-Jupiter Themes:
☆ Unfettered expansion ☆
☆ Ultra-otherworldly, psychedelic vibes; magical, illusory, intoxicating, consuming ☆
☆ Breaking through boundaries for better and for worse ☆
☆ Travel ☆
☆ Getting ahead of ourselves ☆
☆ Extra fertile for magick + manifestation ☆
☆ Big, for better + for worse ☆
Make a wish but be careful what you wish for. Not everything is what it seems. Dream big but take your vitamins.
From here we hope that the painful past will become muddied footprints in the melting snow, soon to fade into poppies. We can almost reach out and touch the green light across the water. Now is our chance: what part of you needs rejuvenation? What inside of you asks to be pollinated? I want you to reach out and touch that green light in the fog. Hold that hopeful light in your hand. It tastes like the smoke of mezcal. It smells like salty stars caught in coils of hair. It pools in our wet, whirling eyes.
Despite everything, we have to have faith that we can bend the clay of the past into the frosted bowl of the future, that even in the absence of flowerbeds and fruit trees, the green light blinks. I can see it, I can touch it, I can taste it. I hope. I believe. I have cowered at the throne of Saturn (I’m only human) but he, too, knows the malleability of time. The past calcifies and crumbles, and we let go of it.
As of March 26th, Neptune and Jupiter have gotten within range of their long-term conjunction in Pisces, spanning all the way through to the end of April. This energy feels magical, illusory, intoxicating, consuming. Neptune is illusion, delusion, deception, mirage… but it’s also magic, universal love, merging, connection, and art of all kinds. Jupiter is hope, faith, belief, indulgence, overwhelm and cultish manipulation. The union of these planets signifies unfettered expansion and breaking through boundaries, for better and for worse.
With this transit there is danger of an explosion of the large-scale deception, misinformation, and overall dangerously-culty antics we’ve throttled through for the last 11 years while Neptune has been in Pisces. There is danger of getting ahead of ourselves. Unrestrained faith can make miracles happen. It can also get us into dangerous situations, particularly if we are desperate for something ripe and beautiful… like we are right now, in the midst of what the world has been like over the last few years.
If you’re feeling sleepy, confused or drained, know that Neptune conjunct Jupiter probably has something to do with that too. Look to the house that Pisces falls in in your chart and consider allowing new ways of rejuvenation to show themselves there; what can be done to turn drained and lethargic into and something flowy and dreamy?
Navigating Neptune conjunct Jupiter in Pisces:
☆ Go with the flow but keep your brain ON. Be extra careful, treat it as a Mercury retrograde to the thousandth power — double check everything and leave space for misunderstandings.
☆ Recognize opportunities, but consider asking somebody you trust for a second opinion. Neptune is hazy and foggy; are the opportunities that Jupiter delivers as lush as they seem? Maybe, maybe not.
☆ Gently flow beyond the self-imposed boundaries that have held you from your biggest dreams. You’re water, you can flow right through or around ‘em.
☆ If you want something to spread, this next month might be a good time to release it, present it, launch it. Especially if whatever it is feels all…otherworldly and magical itself. Neptune-Jupiter in Pisces is uncontained spread and expansion for better and for worse.
☆ Creative floooow. Make art, music, write, go outside, do something that gets your soul going in that special kind of way.
☆ Make love. Connect with others. Don’t get carried away, keep your head clear, use protection. Fantasies abound; things are not necessarily what they seem.
☆ Don’t expect to know all the answers, and don’t expect other people to know all the answers either. If somebody claims to know all the answers, they don’t. Now and always.
☆ Deception, scams and frauds are likely to be at a high during this time. Keep your discernment close. It’s easy to get lost.
☆ If you’ve been wanting to rebrand, cultivate a brand image for the first time, or simply reach new people, now feels like a very fertile time for it. Neptune is both universal sentiment expressed symbolically, and sparkling, smoky veneer, and thus it is marvelous for marketing.
☆ Indulge in whatever feels spiritual, magical, meaningful, whatever makes you come alive.
☆ Try to ground yourself, and have compassion for the exhaustion and uncertainty that is plaguing so many of us as we navigate through this swampy astroweather. Spend enough time alone and bring your Neptune-Jupiter fantasies down to earth instead of losing your footing in the swirly vortex of now. Cater to your physical senses — eat, drink, sunbathe and be merry.
☆ Film recommendations: The Wizard of Oz, The Great Gatsby, Fantastic Fungi
☆ Music recommendations: The King by Sarah Kinsley, Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles, The Stranger by Billy Joel, Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics (or Trinix)
After so much pain, loss and darkness, the glow of the green light in the dark became everything. There’s been an empty space where pleasure, enchantment and hope should have been; we’ve suffocated in empty space, separated by Saturn in Aquarius for the last two years. But for now, here in the shrinking space between Jupiter and Neptune (and Venus) in Pisces, hope blooms true and imagination becomes juicy and Bacchic. Whether it leads to ruin or salvation, the sky drips with the vapor of a million bottles popped. The sun drops behind the horizon like an egg yolk ready to split. The twilight of the unimaginable hell might be a grape shriveled on the vine but the morning could still be glass of champagne, fruited and iced and sparkling in the light of the fireworks. We spin on the carousel of bright polish and white lace, enchanted by time and earth and cat feet. Here is hope in letting go of the past, as Pisces does, in favor of the glossy, glittering future. There is so much to stand in awe of. Lay down and look at the sky. The cosmos are not only out there, they are right here, right here in the dome of the earth, so close that we can reach out and touch them.
Since looking back to the other intense aspects Jupiter and Neptune made to one another back in 2012, 2015 and 2019–two tense, spell-breaking squares and a jarring opposition–I have been feeling mildly creeped out by the way things love to coil out from other things across time. This ever-haunting Neptunian haze swallows things and spits them back out later. The dragon doesn’t eat; it uses its rows of teeth to sculpt and mold. Is anything from spring/summer of 2019 reemerging today in your life? It’s been strange in my own. It’s like yesterday was calling out to today before it ever existed, bursting its illusions to carry us through to the ineffable truth of love and its hopeful, roseate wisdom.
Those three Neptune-Jupiter contacts were diamond-tipped claws cutting through the veil of possibility, a type of confusion that refused to let us believe for another moment in what could be. Wouldn’t it be something if now, while Neptune and Jupiter are conjunct alongside the material brilliance of Venus, possibility was not only remembered and felt once more, but actualized?