Horoscopes for the Full moon in Scorpio 7° April 26th, 2021

The Fertilizer + the Garden.

All full moons symbolize 4 primary things: culmination, clarity, balance and release and a full moon in Scorpio goes extra heavy on the clarity and release. Scorpio’s modern ruler, Pluto, is the epitome of Tower energy: exposing what has long been hidden (The Bullshit™ in particular), often by bringing it to one extreme or the other, and breaking down that which has outlived its purpose or function and composting it. Scorpio’s traditional ruler, Mars, is a white-hot scalpel slicing through the black leather of night, glaring right into the heart of the matter and lapping at its blood. When the moon is full in Scorpio, the full moon incantation “what’s done in the dark will be brought to the light” becomes more than a spotlight but a complete choir of birds singing in the dead of night. Incidentally, Johnny Cash was a 7° Scorpio moon, the same sign and degree as this moon, and his version of “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” is full moon magic. His moon even squared Saturn in Aquarius too, like this full moon does.

The full moon in Scorpio comes only with the sun in Taurus - they fertilize one another. Two halves of a whole. Taurus grows the garden and Scorpio creates the compost. The full moon in Scorpio is about letting go and allowing (even trusting) the process. Recognizing that the things we cut out and tear down become the decaying matter that fertilizes the garden that will nourish us in the future. And the things that nourish us will someday decay too. Everything moves us both forward and back again. Everything’s a circle. “Everything’s a cycle. You gotta let it come to you.”

Nothing in nature clings and controls. How willing are you to let go and make the change? Can you let go of your hundred bucks in hopes of doubling it?

Uranus is three-ish years through its eight-year trip through the sign of Taurus. Through this transit we’re learning about what has to change in order for us to create a more sustainable future, for us as individuals and for the earth and all of its inhabitants. Uranus rattles us to bring us back to our authentic selves in order to move forward into the future. It forces us to think outside the box by shattering the box that we never really fit in anyway. It surprises us to keep us awake, to keep us expanding and moving forward, opening the mind’s eye a little wider. Slow-moving, stable Taurus resists change at all costs (oftentimes literally); Uranus demands it. Uranus sends out shocks through the violet web of the universe to pry our hands from the corpse of what once held us like a lover but does no more. This isn’t an easy transit for us to go through as a world, but the goal here is to meet Taurus’ need for sustainability, presence, and a world of deeper, more universal pleasure. As the sun approaches a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus at this full moon, some of these lessons are highlighted and it’s time to ask:

What is sustainable to you, on a personal level?

How do you contribute to a more sustainable world?

What is your relationship to pleasure?

How present are you in everyday life?

How deeply do you allow yourself to experience yourself, your senses, your emotions, other people, life, the world?

Taurus is the part of us that knows we don’t exist just to toil. As a culture, every morning we ritualistically suck down a stimulant just to get ourselves out of bed and into the gears of the capitalist machine. Taurus follows the pace of the earth, the tectonic shifts that rumble slowly and imperceptibly beneath our feet. It drips like sap from the trees and drifts through warm rivers in the sunshine. There is nowhere we need to be but here. There is no one we need to be but exactly who we are. There’s nothing we need to feel but exactly what we feel. Sink into it.

During the full moon, Saturn in Aquarius squares the sun and moon – Aquarius is the stepping stone between Scorpio and Taurus. How are we restructuring our world to accommodate both inner waters and meadows? How human are we allowing ourselves and others to be? Do we follow the mob or go our own way? How healthy are our relationships to technology and social media? Here at the full moon, we’re looking at where we are in this restructuring process.

We all feel every transit in one way or another. People with planets at 4-10 degrees of fixed signs, pay extra attention - this one might show up more intimately in your life.

Here’s an idea of how each sign can expect this full moon to play out. Read for your rising sign first, and consider your sun and moon signs secondarily. Wishing you all a pleasantly insightful, liberating full moon in Scorpio.


Have you changed the way you consume over the last few years? What do you truly need in order to feel truly secure? What do you need in order to make your big dreams a reality? Over the long term, you’re revolutionizing long-standing patterns regarding both finance and deep inner security. You’re feeling your sense of certainty shift and shake. The solid oak floor you’ve stood on all your life sometimes feels like it could crack open and swallow you, but if it does, maybe that’s only to expose the termite infestation beneath.

This full moon you’re exploring the themes of intake and excretion, gain and loss, security and deep-rooted fear. Take a deep look into your mind. What hidden fears are sabotaging the life you really want for yourself? What deepset psychological patterns keep you from holding onto the materials you need in order to build?

If there’s something you’ve been meaning to let die, now is the time.


These changes you’ve been going through are happening to bring you back to yourself, to remind you of who you are and what your needs are, and to remind you that you are the moss as much as the earthquake.

This full moon feels like something deep and raw coming to fruition with a lover, or maybe you’re starting to really see the truth of your projections or partnerships, as well as what or who might be standing in the way of achieving everything you want to achieve in life or in love. 

For the moment, you’re exploring the conflict of self and other, and how you can bring together the light and the dark to achieve a higher purpose. Can you see the black blood within yourself as much as you can see it in other people? When the body cracks open, what is inside - moths or butterflies? Is there a difference?


This lunation brings up questions about what patterns and habits and drudgery need to be let go of in order to help get your mind back into its own flow, and revelations regarding your overall well-being. Are you caring for yourself or are you breaking yourself apart at night? The goal is a true, rooted stability and a sense of meaning you can rely on. 

If you’re feeling alone, now could be a good time to show that sludge to someone else. Stay open to support. Let others remind you of what you really believe in. Take time to examine how what you’re doing each day supports or stands against your overall wellness.

The ways you care for yourself and the ways you find meaning in life might be intertwined. Freedom is often found through the mind, and this lunation speaks to that. What mental blockages or dated belief systems keep you from feeling clear-headed and sure of yourself? Are the people you associate with holding you back or supporting your evolution?


The way you view the world, what you envision for yourself within it, what you contribute to it, and who you associate with have all been changing, or at least coming into question.

You know more than anyone what it means to nurture an idea from seed to plant to fruit. Your connection to the process of creation is powerful, and this full moon illuminates that. You know how to say things without saying them. Now’s the time to really indulge in what you’ve been creating - maybe something you’ve been working on is coming to fruition?

People often overlook the deeply sexual nature of Cancer. This full moon highlights your relationship to both pleasure and creation. If questions of fulfillment in life or in love or even sex are coming up, does something (a pattern? a fear?) or someone need to be let go of? How can this letting go be seen as fertilizing your big dreams for yourself and for the world?


This moon shines deep into the bottom of your psyche, into the privacy of your home, through the generations that live inside of you, and asks how processing these deeper things in private can free up space to help you keep growing your garden, to continue building strength to go out into the world seeking what has so often been missing from your life. What secret fears keep you from full and deep presence? If you haven’t been giving them enough time to breathe, they may be about ready to turn into that midnight choir of birds just to get your attention.

Consider how conflict between your inner world and outer world affects your relationships, and ask yourself what projections you’ve clung to for too long. You’re restructuring your approach to relating to others in more ways than one; don’t be afraid to let go of the fears that keep you chained to the ways of the past. We turn that old stuff into fertilizer not by stuffing it away but by acknowledging it, learning from it, and choosing to let go.


This full moon shines light on what is standing in the way of true comfort. You store a lot of nervous energy in your body and it’s time to look at how both past and present surroundings and daily rituals (or lack thereof) as well as close platonic relationships have affected you. Do you care for yourself in the ways you need to be cared for? Are you “protecting your energy,” as they say?

Inner work is never not crucial, but not all work is internal - sometimes you really do just have to do what you can to change your surroundings or the people around you and start eating better and get some fresh air. There’s a lot we can’t control within a capitalist-patriarchal-imperialist-white supramicist world. The full moon in Scorpio might give you an idea of what you can change in your life in order to find the grounded pleasure that has always been your birthright. What can you change to better support your growth and the growth of others?


What is really most important to you? Look out for anything that might be testing your commitment to your values, but also for business opportunities as a result of your long-term efforts. Do these opportunities align with what matters most to you? Maybe you’re finally making better money, or you’re starting to feel more secure in other ways.

This full moon is about letting go of insecurities, unrealistic fears that you will not have enough, and releasing yourself into trust in the natural cycles of things. Keep creating and grounding yourself into that - you have the capacity to change the world from the inside out through the things that you create. Whatever you’ve been up to over the last six months, these things that you’ve been building have to feed your soul and support social progress or you’re never going to feel truly fulfilled. Let go of what keeps you clinging and clawing.


It’s you who opens your chest and becomes that choir of birds in the middle of the night. You’re the harbinger of truth and the protector of the sacred. The full moon in your sign is peak shedding seasons for you on the most personal level. Have you outgrown your old skin?

Consider how letting go of outdated protective mechanisms might improve your relationships. Talk about these things with lovers or friends. Investigate where they came from – where did you learn to protect yourself? Do you still have to protect yourself in this way? Look into the past and question whether the foundation you stand on is the foundation you wanna continue to stand on. Does something need to be restructured? What needs to be processed? Might it benefit you and your relationships to let the people you love in on what you’re processing? This is a potent time for opening yourself up in one way or another.

Conversely, maybe you’re seeing the results of all the inner work you’ve been doing and you’re really seeing yourself (and along with you, your relationships) blossom. It’s okay to yourself sparkle in the moonlight. It’s yours.


This full moon is a current humming just beneath your surface, burning through your haze like a fleet of fireflies. What is working against you from behind the scenes? Keep your eyes open to any signs that you might be sabotaging your own wellness, and try not to fear the quiet depths inside. Dreams might be extra illuminating right now. 

This is a moment of healing for you, a moment for skillfully slicing out any harmful subconscious patterns and beliefs and taking a fearless look at them. It might be time to sacrifice them to the soil and to the trees that’ll bear your fruit for years to come. If you’ve been doing a lot of inner work this could be a moment to tie up the bag of everything you’ve excavated and finally toss it for good.


If there’s a big goal you’ve been working on, things could be coming together for you this week. Maybe you’re getting the recognition you deserve and things are starting to come together.

On the other side of the coin, maybe you’re starting to view the world differently, sensing the end of a friendship, or giving some serious thought to how you show up for others and how they show up for you. Are you finding the fulfillment you’ve been searching for? If not, this might be time to let go of what “should be” and allow yourself to come back to what is. You can be pretty fucking hard on yourself when it comes to who you “should be” and what you “should be” accomplishing. For the last few years and for years to come, you’re learning how to come into really enjoying the present, feeling into your senses, and the beauty of creation for its own sake, not because it has to lead to anything. This full moon brings attention to where you’re at in that process and how you can enjoy the fruits of your labor no matter where you’re at.

Be here. Connect with other people. Focus on what really matters to you and strengthen your inner security.


This full moon opens a door to letting go of past identities, old ways of sharing yourself with the world, and methods of getting some of your deepest needs met that just aren’t working anymore. The way you see the past has been continually shifting and will continue to shift, and if you wanna leave (part of?) your old image behind, now’s the time. If you need to expose something or someone (yourself?), this could also be the time for that.

How attached are you to the way you’re perceived? Sometimes you like to hide away – is this because you felt smothered earlier in life? Over the long term, you’re stabilizing your sense of self and looking at who you are both with and without others. How has your identity been shaped by other people? The full moon in Scorpio is like a checkpoint in this long-term process.

If you’ve been working on a project or toward a goal, especially at work, this could be the week you really start seeing results, or at least when you’re finally ready to bring something to the public and get some recognition for the time and heart you’ve put in.


What do you really believe in? If you’ve been struggling with your sense of meaning, this full moon looks like new insight into why. The next couple years are big inner work years, really getting to know who you are when the curtain goes down, and this full moon funnels right into that. You need to remember that you’re not alone, ever, even when you’re wandering aimlessly in the dark (especially then, even). You’re connected to other people through everything.

Let outdated beliefs fall away and choose to bring truth to the surface. Go out into the light of the moon and feel your connection to the earth. Deepen your commitment to something that supports your inner stability. Reach out to other people and find out who’s gone through what you’re going through. Confront the truth and let that be the chainsaw that expands the comfort zone that has gotten too small for you. It’ll always be the truth that sets you free; that’s where real meaning is for you, no matter how hidden away that truth is.

If you’re in need of guidance, support, or clarity, or if you’d just like to get to know your chart better, I offer one-on-one consultations in which we dive deep into your natal chart (and psyche) together, or explore the way the planets are impacting you today.

Thanks for reading!


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