New Moon in Aquarius 12º February 1st, 2022: THE STILL CENTER
Aquarius has an incredible meditative quality to it – a unique ability to be very still (it’s a fixed sign ruled by slow-moving Saturn) in the middle of a noisy crowd (Aquarius is an air sign) and not lose its center. We see some of the worst of Aquarius when it loses that still center and gets swept up by the crowd, morphing into just another head on the Hydra.

Mars-Uranus-Saturn: Heatwaves + True Safety
With Mars simultaneously activating Saturn and Uranus, this moment looks like one big “wake the fuck up, it’s time to get our asses in gear. What are we going to DO?” Greed and power lust dissolve in the absence of fear and in the presence of care. We all deserve to have our basic needs met. We all deserve to feel safe.

Horoscopes for the Full moon in Scorpio 7° April 26th, 2021
The full moon in Scorpio comes only with the sun in Taurus - they fertilize one another. Two halves of a whole. Taurus grows the garden and Scorpio creates the compost. The full moon in Scorpio is about letting go and allowing (even trusting) the process.