Malefics vs Benefics in Astrology: Swords, Mountains, and Nectar
Images: Erez Marom / Wandering Folk
In astrology, the words malefic and benefic mean exactly what you’d expect: malefic planets are said to be rather harmful and uncomfortable and they bring uncomfortable lessons, and benefic planets are said to be more easeful and subjectively positive, more often bringing blessings and good vibes.
The malefic planets in astrology are traditionally:
Mars (the ‘lesser malefic’)
Saturn (the ‘greater malefic’)
Most modern astrologers also consider Pluto to be a malefic. Some consider Black Moon Lilith, Uranus and Neptune to be malefic as well. I personally see BML as generally malefic, and Uranus and Neptune as sometimes malefic.
The benefic planets in astrology are traditionally:
Venus (the ‘lesser benefic’)
Jupiter (the ‘greater benefic’)
Malefic planets in astrology (Saturn and Mars)
Image: Erez Marom
Malefic planets represent challenges, discomfort, and struggle. Malefic planets understand that life cannot be all peaches n cream all the time. We wouldn’t grow and develop without strife and discomfort. Struggle, pain, and hard work are all natural parts of life. People with planets in malefic-ruled signs (Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius) tend to have a strong understanding of this reality.
Mars in astrology represents more acute, momentary struggles like conflict, strenuous exercise, stress and anxiety, division, injury, and short-term illness. But Mars also represents excitement, momentum, focus, action, sex, and general life-force energy, what we need in order to feel charged up and ready to LIVE.
Saturn in astrology represents longer-term struggles like the hard work involved in reaching a goal, deep-seated fears, depression, sometimes anxiety, suppression, self-sabotage, and chronic illness. But Saturn also represents steadiness, solace, peace, long-term focus, willingness to sit with temporary discomfort in order to achieve more permanent peace, and objectivity.
Benefic planets in astrology (Jupiter and Venus)
Image: Wandering Folk
Benefic planets are typically pretty chill and concerned with good times, joy, pleasure, and ease. They are nectareous and taste sweet.
Venus in astrology represents carnal pleasures of all kinds — anything that feels good to our five senses, connection, unity, harmony, sex, joy, creativity, and art of all kinds. Venus can be overindulgent and avoid attending to the more mundane parts of reality.
Jupiter in astrology represents optimism, faith, hope, growth, celebration, learning, expansion, trust, wonder, joy. However, Jupiter can also be overindulgent and very dogmatic, and overlook important details.
This is not to say that benefic planets can’t also do harm. Both Jupiter and Venus can have a tendency to don the ol’ rose-colored glasses and escape reality. And Jupiter in particular has a tendency to emphasize and expand whatever it touches, so there is always the possibility of it enlarging difficulties. When Jupiter emphasizes something uncomfortable, it also offers a sublime opportunity for healing.
Additionally, because people with planets in benefic-ruled signs (Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Taurus) tend to be very pleasure-driven, to varying extents they may have a very hard time accepting the unavoidable discomforts in life and rising to the challenge.