How to Read a Solar Return Chart
A solar return chart is essentially a snapshot of the exact moment that the sun hits the place it was at in the sky at the time of a person’s birth. Interpreting the solar return chart and how it interacts with your natal chart can offer invaluable insight into prominent themes that are likely to come up during a given year of your life, from one birthday until the next birthday.

Malefics vs Benefics in Astrology: Swords, Mountains, and Nectar
Malefic planets are said to be rather harmful and uncomfortable and they bring uncomfortable lessons, and benefic planets are said to be more easeful and subjectively positive, more often bringing blessings and good vibes.

Major Aspects in Astrology (Conjunction, Square, Opposition, Trine, and Sextile)
Aspects are geometric angles that planets make to one another and they describe the ways in which different planets ‘influence’ one another and the relationship they have with each other.

Natal Saturn in the 4th house: The Bearer of All Weight
Saturn in the 4th house feels like trying to grow an apple tree in a room with no windows. What should be a warm womb often feels more like a cold prison or a heavy weight. Where there should be a mountain spring, there is a desert. Where there should be a home, there is only a house, or perhaps just a tumbleweed blowing in the wind.

Chiron in the Natal Chart: Your Chiron “Wound” Isn’t A You Problem
Chiron in astrology represents a pain that we each carry, but is it really ours to carry? Is there really something fundamentally “wrong” with each one of us or with our need and abilities? Or is it that the world fails to embrace our differences or recognize them as gifts?

Mercury in Scorpio: The Hound of Hell (Concentrate)
In a sense, people with Mercury in Scorpio are natural guardians of the underworld, like the mythological Cerberus, the multi-headed dog that was said to guard the gates of hell, preventing the dead from leaving. While Mercury itself is about crossing boundaries and building bridges, this is a Mercury sign that instead aims to keep, block, and protect; rather than building a bridge, it guards the exit.

Mercury in Libra: Words that Close the Distance
For Mercury in Libra, words are connective tissue. Libra Mercury people understand that words were quite literally invented to connect us. Words connect our inner world with other people, so that what is mine can become yours too, and vice versa. Words were invented to help us share what we see with others and to benefit from what others see too.

The 13th Zodiac Sign: Ophiuchus the Serpent-Bearer?
This is a MYTH that stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of what astrology is.

Lilith square or conjunct North Node: Integrating the Inner Animal
People with Black Moon Lilith or asteroid Lilith square or conjunct their north node are learning to integrate their inner Lilith. Topics like rage, nonconformity, sexuality, and the primal, earthly part of the human animal are all important. Lilith is not high and mighty, nor bright and positive. She is murky and sharp and feral. She reminds us that we are not just upstanding human beings but also human animals.

Why Are Libras So Hot?
There’s a line in The Great Gatsby that says: “She laughed again, as if she said something very witty, and held my hand for a moment, looking up into my face, promising that there was no one in the world she so much wanted to see. That was a way she had.” That’s Libra.

How to Actually Learn Astrology
While there is no one “right” place to start learning astrology, this simple, straight-forward guide to learning astrology from the ground up offers a grounded foundation to build from.

Mars square Pluto Natal & Transit: The Square of Power and Fear
Mars square Pluto is personal power vs. fear and suppression, or simply power with the volume turned up and turned inward. Yes, this aspect can turn violent and abusive, but more often than not this square turns that fear or violence inward. People with Mars square Pluto are tasked with learning to no longer suppress their power without letting it devour them.

Astrology for Career and Business: How to Use Your Birth Chart to Achieve Success
If you want to achieve any level of success—whatever success means to you personally—or fame, or to get your ideas out into the world, or to reach the masses in any way, your birth chart lays out a map for you to follow.

Understanding Mercury Retrograde Transits
During Mercury retrograde, we are naturally compelled to slow down, rest, review, and integrate. It’s when we take it easy, move a bit slower, and think back. And we have to laugh at the messiness, confusion, and general absurdity; Mercury retrogrades remind us to have a sense of humor — life doesn’t always have to be so gloomy and serious, and things don’t have to run smoothly all of the time.

Saturn in Pisces Transit and Natal
With Saturn in Pisces, we’re not struggling to build nor struggling against the past. Instead, we are letting things dissolve, move, and change. We’re trusting. Accepting. Carving out channels for our waters to flow through and things aren’t quite so serious. No Saturn transit is “easy”, but this feels like a breath of fresh air.

Why Are Virgos So Hot?
Virgos are hot because they understand that the mind moves and inspires the body.

South Node in Scorpio, North Node in Taurus: A Skull Crowned with Roses
Scorpio south node attempts to keeps itself safe by scanning for danger. The north node in Taurus knows that safety doesn’t grow from fixation on turmoil, destruction, danger, and all that is hidden. Instead, Taurus—ruled by Venus—fixates on creating opportunity for pleasure and wellness. It enjoys the simple pleasures in life – art, food, sex, the Earth.

Black Moon Lilith in Astrology
In astrology, Lilith can represent how we’ve been demonized, cast out, scorned, hated, feared, disrespected. She represents what we’re hated for, the things about us that other people find threatening about us, and oftentimes jealousy. When we talk about Lilith we often talk about themes of chaos, shame, sexuality, rage, and fear.

Find Your North Node and South Node Sign
Find the period containing your birth date or the date you’re looking for (between 1899 and 2049) on the table below to determine the sign of the north and south node. Note that this table uses the True Node calculation.

Domicile, Exaltation, Detriment and Fall in Astrology: Essential Dignity
Essential dignity is the idea that every planet has a domicile, exaltation, detriment and fall. Domicile is the sign/s a planet rules. Exaltation in astrology is the sign in which a planet performs effortlessly and in the ways that it is expected to. Detriment or exile in astrology is the sign/s a planet struggles in or where it has to find different, more unconventional ways to express itself. Fall in astrology is the sign that a planet tends to struggle in, but holds great wisdom about.).