Understanding Mercury Retrograde Transits
During Mercury retrograde, we are naturally compelled to slow down, rest, review, and integrate. It’s when we take it easy, move a bit slower, and think back. And we have to laugh at the messiness, confusion, and general absurdity; Mercury retrogrades remind us to have a sense of humor — life doesn’t always have to be so gloomy and serious, and things don’t have to run smoothly all of the time.

Natal Mercury Retrograde: The Brilliant, the Bizarre, and the Blockages
For people with natal Mercury retrograde, the planet that acts as the liaison between the sun (self) and Venus (relationships with others) is behaving differently from what we expect. Strangely, even. These people simply express themselves differently. They take a different approach to communicating, translating the inner world into something the outer world can understand, and processing information from the outside world. This can be beautiful, and it can be challenging.

5 Ways to Thrive Through Mercury Retrograde in 2022
Mercury, the cosmic comedienne and marketeer, goes retrograde September 9th through October 2nd, igniting a chorus of unnecessary shrieks and shudders. Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for coinciding with loads of mishaps, miscommunications, and mechanical misfires, but there is, as always, a message in the madness.