Pluto square the Lunar Nodes Transit 2023: Ripe for Change
Pluto only squares the north node and south node every nine or so years, and this is a time ripe for monumental change.
This is not a sudden, eclipse-like change. This change is one that was put into motion days, weeks, months, or even years ago, and will likely continue to roll out in the months to come, like a blood-red carpet leading into the future. Whatever is changing, it has been a long time coming.

The Power of the Mars Return in Astrology
When Mars returns to the sign (and especially the exact degree) it was at on the day a person was born, action, momentum, and vitality rise. There is more energy available to us, surrounding us, and flowing through us.

Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20th, 2023
Our first eclipse of 2023 is a solar eclipse at 29º Aries on April 20th. This eclipse also makes a catalyzing, out-of-sign square to Pluto, really revving up the cosmic engine to generate some extra heat and inspire change. With this eclipse, the celestial foreplay of this spring continues and becomes a more intense edging, if you will.

Understanding Mercury Retrograde Transits
During Mercury retrograde, we are naturally compelled to slow down, rest, review, and integrate. It’s when we take it easy, move a bit slower, and think back. And we have to laugh at the messiness, confusion, and general absurdity; Mercury retrogrades remind us to have a sense of humor — life doesn’t always have to be so gloomy and serious, and things don’t have to run smoothly all of the time.