Astrology for Career and Business: How to Use Your Birth Chart to Achieve Success
Our birth charts hold the secret keys and passageways to our desires. If we are deeply connected to ourselves and genuinely desire something from a place of authenticity, there is a path to it described in the natal chart. If you want to achieve any level of success—whatever success means to you personally—or fame, or to get your ideas out into the world, or to reach the masses in any way, your birth chart lays out a map for you to follow. It spells out the easiest, most efficient, and most fulfilling route to do whatever it is that you want to do with your time.
If you’d like to work with me 1:1 to come up with a custom business, branding, or image strategy using your natal chart, schedule a Pollinator: Business / Image / Branding session. I also offer other creative custom branding packages in my shop.
What are business astrology and career astrology?
Astrology can be used to maximize success in our careers and businesses in a number of ways using your birth chart, electional charts, and more. Not only can your natal chart be used to direct us toward careers or life work that feel natural and fulfilling and that result in material success, but it also holds solid, practical suggestions for how to approach any career or business venture, energies and attitudes to bring into your work, branding strategies that are likely to be effective, and more.
While there may be some career paths that are likely to feel more natural, fulfilling, or that come together a bit easier than others, these same principles and techniques can be applied to truly any path we’d like to travel professionally. Our natal charts describe specific energies, attitudes, aesthetic choices, manners of speaking, colors, and more that can infuse into our career and the way that we approach the public.
Which parts of the birth chart represent career and business?
The entire birth chart can be analyzed in order to create the best plan for your career and/or business. The most important parts of the chart to focus on are:
10th house
11th house
2nd house
6th house
8th house
North and south nodes
And more! Keep in mind that this is just a starting point!
The most prominent houses in career astrology + business astrology
Midheaven and Midheaven ruler for career
Typically located in the 9th, 10th, or 11th whole sign house (though for people born at certain latitudes, it is sometimes found in the 8th house or 12th house), the midheaven is essentially the peak of the chart. It is what we aspire to, our public image/reputation, and career more generally. In career astrology and business astrology, the midheaven describes the energies that we benefit from using in our branding and overall messaging. It’s the kind of stuff that we gotta face OUTWARD for the world to see loud and clear. Planets conjunct the midheaven are also important to take note of and incorporate!
In other branches of astrology, the midheaven can also be used to understand what was missing from our early life and are thus often seeking out in the world, both in a general sense and sometimes through career as well.
10th house and 10th house ruler for career
The 10th house, any planets located in the 10th house, and the planet that rules the sign on the 10th house cusp give further information on what we are likely to be known for, what career paths feel natural, and what we can lean into in order to be known and reach our goals
Using quadrant house systems (like Placidus), the midheaven is the 10th house cusp. But using other house systems (like whole sign), the 10th house can be ruled by a different sign.
11th house and 11th house ruler for career
In career astrology and business astrology, the 11th house and the 11th house ruler represent your goals, audience, and big dreams. This house and its ruler can represent the change you want to see and be in the world, your big goals, your audience and how you engage with them, and sometimes even the “why” behind your ambitions.
2nd house and 2nd house ruler for career
In the realm of career and business, the 2nd house is the house of money, possessions, and security. It is what we intake and hold. Looking at the planets within the 2nd house and the sign on the 2nd house cusp gives us information on our relationship to money: how we are likely to manage money, what we need (materially and immaterially) in order to feel secure, any blockages to making or holding onto money, and the type of energies we can use to our advantage in order to make (and keep making) money.
The sign and house of planet that rules the 2nd house gives us information about where the money that most naturally flows toward us comes from.
It’s important to note, too, that beyond the topic of business and career, the 2nd house is not just finances and that in the modern world money is typically used as a stand-in for something much deeper and more universally applicable. Money provides us with security, stability, the ability to tend to our own needs and desires.
6th house and 6th house ruler for career
The 6th house represents how we work, how we handle the day-to-day tasks in a business or job, what fuels us, and our relationship to employees or other hirees. And once more, the 6th house ruler gives us more critical information about this area of life.
The 6th house can also often represent jobs, while the 10th house and midheaven represent careers.
Outside of business and career, the 6th house has lots of other significations including health, diet, exercise, illness, day-to-day tasks, and pets.
8th house and 8th house ruler for career
In career and business astrology in specific, the 8th house and its ruler represent investments, collaborations, passive income. ‘Passive income’ can encompass anything from stocks to affiliate marketing to pre-made products to e-books and pre-recorded courses.
Any planets located in the 8th house provide information on how we’re likely to feel about investments and passive income. The sign and house of the planet that rules the 8th house shows us what, if anything, we are likely benefit from investing in.
In other branches of astrology, the 8th house also represents the deep psyche, intimacy, taboos, inheritance, taxes, other people’s money, loss, and more.
North node and south node for career
The north node and south node are two points to look at as an important point of balance, one that, when achieved, can unlock all kinds of doors and hidden potential. For more on the importance and process of balancing the nodes, check out this article: The North Node and South Node in Astrology: The Secret Key to Life (A 4-step Guide).
If any of this excites you and you’d like to dig into this together in a one-on-one reading, book a Business / Image / Branding session here. In this reading, we’ll explore what your natal chart has to say about how to brand and approach the public, including: unique voice, attitudes and visuals that are likely to be well-received, key parts of yourself to keep at the forefront, authentic energies to infuse into your brand, and more.
I also offer other custom branding packages in my Shop.