AND and/or OR: a workshop on the North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra
This is a digital download of my live, 2-hour workshop hosted on July 23rd, 2023. A recording of the event will be sent upon purchase.
🫀 AND and/or OR 🫀 is an extensive chat on what we’ll be looking at while the lunar nodes are in Aries and Libra from July 17th, 2023 through January 11th, 2025.
The nodes are one of THE most important transits to follow — with beautiful clarity, they describe a tense polarity that we are dealing with as a world and in our personal lives and areas of life where we’ll be directing our focus and flowing through changes.
In this big conversation we talked about about:
🫀 What to expect for the world
🫀 What this transit means for you (including themes for each rising sign)
🫀 Issues to look out for
🫀 Opportunities for change & smoother flow
+ more
DISCLAIMER: Nothing discussed in this talk is to be taken as medical advice, legal advice, financial advice, or any other form of professional advice. You are solely responsible for your own actions and decisions. I am not a licensed therapist, business coach, lawyer, financial expert, or medical professional. Please seek out a medical, legal, financial, or mental health professional if needed. AND and/or OR, and all other workshops, are for entertainment purposes only.
This is a digital download of my live, 2-hour workshop hosted on July 23rd, 2023. A recording of the event will be sent upon purchase.
🫀 AND and/or OR 🫀 is an extensive chat on what we’ll be looking at while the lunar nodes are in Aries and Libra from July 17th, 2023 through January 11th, 2025.
The nodes are one of THE most important transits to follow — with beautiful clarity, they describe a tense polarity that we are dealing with as a world and in our personal lives and areas of life where we’ll be directing our focus and flowing through changes.
In this big conversation we talked about about:
🫀 What to expect for the world
🫀 What this transit means for you (including themes for each rising sign)
🫀 Issues to look out for
🫀 Opportunities for change & smoother flow
+ more
DISCLAIMER: Nothing discussed in this talk is to be taken as medical advice, legal advice, financial advice, or any other form of professional advice. You are solely responsible for your own actions and decisions. I am not a licensed therapist, business coach, lawyer, financial expert, or medical professional. Please seek out a medical, legal, financial, or mental health professional if needed. AND and/or OR, and all other workshops, are for entertainment purposes only.
This is a digital download of my live, 2-hour workshop hosted on July 23rd, 2023. A recording of the event will be sent upon purchase.
🫀 AND and/or OR 🫀 is an extensive chat on what we’ll be looking at while the lunar nodes are in Aries and Libra from July 17th, 2023 through January 11th, 2025.
The nodes are one of THE most important transits to follow — with beautiful clarity, they describe a tense polarity that we are dealing with as a world and in our personal lives and areas of life where we’ll be directing our focus and flowing through changes.
In this big conversation we talked about about:
🫀 What to expect for the world
🫀 What this transit means for you (including themes for each rising sign)
🫀 Issues to look out for
🫀 Opportunities for change & smoother flow
+ more
DISCLAIMER: Nothing discussed in this talk is to be taken as medical advice, legal advice, financial advice, or any other form of professional advice. You are solely responsible for your own actions and decisions. I am not a licensed therapist, business coach, lawyer, financial expert, or medical professional. Please seek out a medical, legal, financial, or mental health professional if needed. AND and/or OR, and all other workshops, are for entertainment purposes only.
In this workhsop, we talked about the north node entering Aries/the south node entering Libra — the ultimate and vs or. I vs we. Action vs contemplation. Relationship changes. Authenticity. A bellowing sense of urgency. The Aries/Libra axis is a tense polarity. It’s the heart and the blood that pumps through it. It is the pairing that is perhaps most in need of balance and most aware of difference.
If you’ve read my (ridiculously lengthy) article on the nodes entering Taurus and Scorpio back in January 2022, you already have somewhat of an idea of the kind of stuff we’re covering in this class. In this talk, we go deep into how we can expect the nodes and eclipses in Aries and Libra to show up in the world at large and in our individual lives.