Pluto square the Lunar Nodes Transit 2023: Ripe for Change
Pluto only squares the north node and south node every nine or so years, and this is a time ripe for monumental change.
This is not a sudden, eclipse-like change. This change is one that was put into motion days, weeks, months, or even years ago, and will likely continue to roll out in the months to come, like a blood-red carpet leading into the future. Whatever is changing, it has been a long time coming.

Saturn in Pisces Transit and Natal
With Saturn in Pisces, we’re not struggling to build nor struggling against the past. Instead, we are letting things dissolve, move, and change. We’re trusting. Accepting. Carving out channels for our waters to flow through and things aren’t quite so serious. No Saturn transit is “easy”, but this feels like a breath of fresh air.

Neptune in Pisces: The Crash
Neptune’s been in Pisces since 2011/2012, opening the mind of the world to more spirituality (“spirituality”), but in a few years it’ll leave Pisces and the wave will likely break.