Mars in the 12th house: You Will Call It Fate
Mars in the 12th house people are learning how to make the unconscious conscious and tap back into their own agency and will. They may repress or misdirect anger, display great strength in dark times and can help lead others through the darkness They are protective of the sacred, the oppressed, and their own privacy and they often feel disempowered, like their life is not theirs to run, and are intimately aware of the reality that we can’t be entirely in control of our lives. They can be very defensive and have many unconscious motivations, and must learn to open up to others without defense in order to gain important insight into themselves.

Mars square Pluto Natal & Transit: The Square of Power and Fear
Mars square Pluto is personal power vs. fear and suppression, or simply power with the volume turned up and turned inward. Yes, this aspect can turn violent and abusive, but more often than not this square turns that fear or violence inward. People with Mars square Pluto are tasked with learning to no longer suppress their power without letting it devour them.

The Power of the Mars Return in Astrology
When Mars returns to the sign (and especially the exact degree) it was at on the day a person was born, action, momentum, and vitality rise. There is more energy available to us, surrounding us, and flowing through us.