Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20th, 2023
Our first eclipse of 2023 is a solar eclipse at 29º Aries on April 20th. This eclipse also makes a catalyzing, out-of-sign square to Pluto, really revving up the cosmic engine to generate some extra heat and inspire change. With this eclipse, the celestial foreplay of this spring continues and becomes a more intense edging, if you will.

Solar Eclipse in Gemini 19º June 10th, 2021
Eclipses aren’t the time to try to control things. We’re funneling through a weird spell and ”the universe” is already doing the work for us. It’s manifesting for us. If something is meant to happen for you during an eclipse, it will. You don’t need to manifest it. Allow yourself to be suspended in midair. You are what the universe has been manifesting.